Car seat safety check. Is it properly installed (refer to installation instructions and vehicle owner’s manual)? Center of back seat whenever possible – never in front passenger side when there is an airbag. Rear-facing for infants less than one year and 20 pounds. Your child must still be in a car seat until they are four years old and weigh at least 40 pounds. Your local law enforcement office will usually have a qualified person to install the seat for you if you have troubles.
If you have a pool or hot tub, is it surrounded by a locking 5 foot fence or a completely covered with a safety cover? Are there alarms on all doors leading from the house to the pool area? Are all toys removed from the pool and the surrounding area?
Do you have a fire escape plan? Write one out with your mate or other adults in the house today and share the plan with your kids so they know what to do.
Check all fire safety equipment. Are smoke alarms working? Fire extinguishers are full and adults and older children know how to use them? Flashlights are strategically placed in your home with extra batteries available?
Play the stop, drop & roll game with your kids. If their clothes catch on fire teach them to stop, drop and roll. Practice yelling out “I’m in here!” in case they get trapped in a room and the fire fighters need to find them.
Check baby’s crib. Are the slats less than 2-3/8 inches? All slats are secure? The corner posts should not be any higher than the end panels and never should they extend over the end panels. No holes in the mattress? Stuffed animals removed? Crib is not near any windows, electrical outlets, lamps, no pictures over the crib, etc.? Mobiles have been removed if baby can pull up.
Where do you set baby’s carrier when she’s in it? Not on the counter please, or any high surface. Babies can wiggle and tip themselves over.
Stroller check. If your stroller is collapsible, be sure latches are secure before putting baby in. Always check that your child’s arms are out of the way when reversing handle directions so they won’t get pinched. Be sure to use that safety strap. Don’t hang overloaded or heavy bags on the handle of the stroller, this may cause it to tip over.
Talk to your children about stove and oven safety. Teach them they are hot and never to touch them.
Don’t leave toddler’s alone while eating, if they begin to choke you need to be nearby to assist.
Never leave your child unattended in the bathtub. If the phone rings, let the machine get it, or bring a cordless phone into the bathroom with you. Wait until baby can sit alone to give baths in the tub. It’s easier in the sink until then. Check that the hot water heater is not set any higher than 120 degrees.
Check the cords on your mini blinds and draperies. These have caused many strangulations among young children. Be sure they are tied up or cut off and kept out of your child’s reach. The loop of the cord should break apart if you slide your hand between the two cords.
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