Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Self Made Billionaires

There Are More Self-Made Billionaires In The

Forbes 400 Than Ever Before   (2013 stats)

Over the past 30 years, the origin of the wealth of the richest people in the United States has shifted away from old, inherited money.  Our new metric, the self-made scores developed for the Forbes 400, shows that increasingly we find self-made billionaires among the ranks of the richest people in the country.  This has accompanied the incredible increase in wealth of the members of the Forbes 400, which has jumped 1,832% times since 1984, when the total net worth of our list was $125 billion, compared with $2.29 trillion today.
The figures show an unequivocal shift from inherited fortunes to self-made fortunes.  In 1984, the first year for which we have crunched the numbers, we found that nearly one-fourth of the members of the Forbes 400 inherited their fortunes and weren’t doing anything to grow them.  More specifically, 24.75% of the billionaires on our list were ranked as 1s (click here for a breakdown of how our rankings work).
At the same time, only 2.5% were ranked as 10s, or absolute bootstrappers.  To qualify as a 10, a member of the Forbes 400 had to have been raised in a poor household, and have endured extreme duress.  
If we take a broader look, we can see that the percentage of inherited fortunes, including those that have grown substantially at the hands of later generations, represented the majority of the Forbes 400.  Counting everyone with scores between 1 and 5, we find 57.25% of the members of the Forbes 400 in 1984, meaning 42.75% made it themselves to varying degrees (scores 6 through 10).
The trend began to break down in 1994, when we saw an equal number of inherited and self-made billionaires, but at the extreme, it was still totally skewed.  Our percentage of 1s stood at 17.75%, compared to 3% for 10s (absolutely self-made).
Already in the 2000s, our data finally showed a greater proportion of self-made billionaires.  In 2004, we had 59% of the Forbes 400 having made their own fortune, as opposed to 41% who inherited it.  But, again, at the extremes we still saw a full one-tenth of the list, or 40 of them, having fully inherited their fortunes and not working to grow it, and only 4.75% of them, or 19, as totally self-made, having battled adversity to reach the top.
Thus, the most encouraging results come from this year’s Forbes 400.  For the first time in our data set, we see the number of self-made billionaires who rose from nothing, and overcame various tough obstacles, outpacing those that just sat on their fortunes.  A total of 34 billionaires, or 8.5%, scored as 10s, or more than three times as many as in 1984.  The number of 100% inherited fortunes as a percentage of the total fell to 7%, with 28 billionaires in the 1 category, compared to 99 back in 1984.
While our self-made scores aren’t a perfect measure, they do shine a light on an interesting story: more and more, the richest people in the country have worked hard, in an incredibly difficult context, to earn a spot in the Forbes 400.  And while it is a known fact that the wealthiest have amassed a greater proportion of the nation’s output than the rest, the self-made scores demonstrate social mobility is indeed possible.

Money Money Money

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